I have a friend that is giving me access to some of her plants and says she's willing to give me cuttings or if needed, whole rooted plants. She has some Hibiscus, a Century plant and a Rubber Tree that I would like. I plan on getting one of the baby Century plants from her but wanted to know the best way to grow the Hibiscus and Rubber Tree. Anyone have any advice?
My first stop when ever I'm going to try something new is to google the heck out of it. The searching "[name of the plant] propagation". Latin names work much better then common names (eg. is your "rubber tree" a ficus elastica or a Crassula?).
A presumption would be that it is a ficus elastica. If this is correct, and you have a vacant acre in which to plant it, stick it in the ground and jump back! Before long, when your sewer line is plugged, you can figure that you didn't plant it far enough from the house. These are notorious 'water seekers' and the roots will find water, wherever it is. You will find that your sidewalk and even your house foundation will levitate over time, as the roots are not to be denied their growth. Also, check your county codes. These plants are on the 'no-no' list all over Florida.