There does not appear to be a post button on the forum I was in. I got a message I don't have permission to take part when I tried to create a new thread. I was logged in. Do I need to register for each forum?
No. Once you register you can post questions in any forum. On the right side of this screen you will see FORUMS HOME. click this and scroll down to see all the different forums .At the start of a couple, are threads that Daniel Mosquin has put on to guide /help new members. Stumpers, is the only one you cannot start a thread as a new member. You can however have a go at answering!!! Hope this helps.
Sorry I can't help you with this one. Daniel is on vacation now, otherwise I am sure that he would help. Hopefully the above suggestions worked for you.
Stumpers isn't the only forum with limited posting privileges - there are a few others, like Photographs from UBC Botanical Garden. If in doubt, post to the Hortboard and it will be moved for you to an appropriate forum. From Dawson City, Yukon... DM