If I had a Washingtonia like that, I'd trim off the 'skirt' from the bottom 2-3 metres, so as the local kids can't do it for you destructively, with a lighted match.
Could someone show a picture of a Cabbage Palm? Is it the same as a Sabal Palm? I have what I feel to be a very large palm (at least 12 feet tall, but all palm branches), short trunk, veeeeery long palm branches with giant fan fronds that are so big they sort of fold in the middle, leaves lots of little curly strings hanging from it. Just showed up shortly after Katrina. No one seems to know for sure what it is.
You can do an image search for Sabal palmetto. There should be plenty there to use as comparisons. Cheers, LPN.
Gretchen, try this google link. I googled images for sabal palmetto young and there are plenty of good examples of young cabbage palms. What you describe sounds very like Sabal palmetto. http://images.google.com/images?q=sabal%20palmetto%20young&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi
Thanks guys. I'm still not sure, even after looking at the pictures. The length of the frond stems are up to 10 feet long, and I don't see anything quite like that. This one has made "berries" which are green now, but some are turning bluish-black. When & how would be a good time to plant some of these? Do they germinate from the green berries ore do you have to wait until they are darker?