I have a 4' tall yucca, a peace lilly, a varigated yucca and a dragon tree in my apartment. I have overwatered them as they don't look too good and now I have white mold on the soil, my place is quite warm and as wondering how often I should water them and how much water do I use? any help would be much appreciated? many thanks Amdy.
they should all be in pots that have drainage holes. if they're not, repot them (no drainage could be part of your problem). they also all need a well-draining soil. use a good cactus soil for all - the peace lily could use a bit of regular soil mixed in. never use soil that has fertilizer already mixed in. you're much better off mixing it yourself and treating each individual plant to what it needs. these plants also do not need soil that has moisture retention stuff added in. well, maybe the peace lily could use that - make sure to mix it with cactus soil tho - peace lily does not like to be too wet/soggy. as for how often to water - all of these plants like to dry out a bit before being watered again. give them a good soak, then another and allow any excess to drain out and make sure to empty the tray of the excess. water again when the soil is dry a few inches down.