How much sun do Maples need in the winter after they have lost their leaves? Can i put them in a garage during the coldest part of winter to protect them from the deep freeze ansd for how long of a period of time without hurting them?
Garage is great, but not til Dec. and back out in Feb. I question though why you think they need to be protected at all in Phil? They're maple trees, and need freezing months every winter to renew themselves properly. Who garages all those street maples... and they seem to do just fine!
Unless they're specialty Japanese maples and your particular microclimate is colder than most in your area, I really wouldn't worry at all.
You may have to worry about Japanese Maple roots if they are in pots. If they are planted in the ground the roots are protected and kept warmer than the air. Below 15 degrees the roots can suffer. Bury the pots and mulch or bring them into an unheated garage when the temp is very low. Dale