a friend recently offered me some cuttings from his vines. I declined because I was concerned about the fact that I saw a lot of crown gall on his vines while helping him prune this past spring. I was worried about bringing the virus to my place and infecting my healthy plants. was I being overprotective of my babies or was my concern warranted? thank you Larry
Probably wise. Also, if you were using your own tools when helping to prune, disinfect the tools afterward with lysol or alcohol (not bleach, which damages the tools).
Very infectious and a serious economic pest. see: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/hort/news/tenderfr/tf0801a4.htm There are vineyards that have quarantine procedures including foot baths specifically aimed at Crown Gall. Another consideration is that there is no effective cure for the vineyard. Sure, an infected plant can be removed, but unless you also remove all of the root tissue it will likely re-infect new plantings. Ralph