I was looking at roses in dad's garden the other day and came across this interesting rose. I don't know anything about the type of rose etc, but every other rose on the same tree is purple only (no white). The photos were taken a few days apart. This seems like the right place to ask the following: 1. How does this happen? Not that a single petal has both colours, and is split straight down the middle. 2. Is it possible to repeat this? There are other roses on the same branch without this colouration, so I am not sure how grafting would work (if its possible. Thanks, Alex
Probably a somatic mutation. That is to say, a cell within the meristem (small group of embryonic cells in the young flower bud) from which the flower develops, experiences a mutation (mis-transcription of DNA?) during cell division and the cells that come from this ancestor cell carry the change with them to the mature flower. Propagation from this flower - unlikely. The cells in the mature flower are now not embryonic and probably could not be cell-cultured into new plants. Besides, you'd most likely get the purple or the white - not both.