A few months ago, I put in some queen palms - they (especially the one to the right of the garage) don't seem to have a good "form" - how do they look to you? Healthy? Should I be concerned? What are your thoughts?
They look okay for newly planted. But I have xome concerns about the one planted so close to the corner of the garage. You have given it a home where the winds are always going to be tearing the fronds against the house. This will make them look ragged all the time. My second concern would be water, the concrete may tend to keep that area dry without good irrigation. Gene
i don't think i'll be able to transport it elsewhere ... do you think perhaps it'll do better once the fronds grow up above the house? How long do you think that could take?
At least a couple of years I'd imagine. Do you have bats in Houston? Why I ask is that we used to have three of these palms in the front yard. Once they started fruiting, it would attract the fruit bats like no tomorrow, conseqently we had a lot of bat droppings, especially on our car, which eats away the paint. Didn't suit us. Another thing we found when it fruited was that the fruit when dropped to the ground in the sun would ferment and stink. Also they aren't self cleaning palms. So you have got a little bit of work to do to keep them tidy and the surrounding areas. I'm not sure how long it would take for them to fruit. I know alot of North Americans love them over there and I like them too, just not my favourite (due to the work, cause I'm lazy lol) but a nice palm nevertheless. Just a bit of friendly advice. Last time I made this comment on here I got accused of telling people to chop it down!! I am not saying that at all, enjoy... Ed
thanks for the info Ed! No, I don't think we have bats here - next after next for us is doing up the garage so we can fit both our cars in it and not have to worry.
it'll take a good long few years to clear that home, at which point the crown will be even bigger so yeah, it could have been planted at least a couple feet more away...as far as how they look, they look like perfectly healthy queen palms...i'm honestly not super fond of this variety but i know them well and yours look nice...if you're still thinking about putting something else up, try a foxtail...you'll love it...g'luck
to be honest, i really don't like the form of the one to the right of the garage but i guess it'll just take time, I'm not sure. i hope it'll happen eventually!
I wish we could grow them here in Calgary Alberta, They look great to me, All the advice is sound, Pops Weaver in Texas has two on his lot, . They are huge and tall I swear 10 feet. edleigh7 has great advice. Pops says they don't have problems with bats in his area. The fruit does rot bad though so he cleans it up as it drops. His advice is to get someone in to do the trunk and palm cutting as they get taller and out of reach. He has ended up on his back and winded a few times from the fall. Have fun the sound of the palm in a light wind is very relaxing I found while reading and enjoying a pint or two.