I have a sunken garden with 40 ft bamboo on two sides of the garden....I want to learn how to root some of the new shoots that are coming up....thanks, Katherine
Do you know for sure that your bamboo is NOT invasive, as the majority are? If you aren't sure, you need to find out, and if it is invasive, you don't need to worry about rooting any more, it'll do it all by itself to the extent that it could easily invade your neighbour's yard and you'll be on the hook legally for not having kept it at home. If you know it's not invasive, then stick a piece in water and wait.
Lol.....thank goodness I live on a ranch, so I dont have to worry about neighbors....just my pastures....but, it's surrounded by concrete also....I have noticed that it comes up everywhere....actually I have a friend that wants some, so I thought I would try and root some for him.......I'm just not sure how to do it....thanks for your help....Katherine
You need to take more than a cutting off of your plant, new shoots on a bamboo survive off off the nutrients provided by the mother section of the clump. The more older growth you grab, the more chance the section you give your friend will survive. If you just give her new growth it will die.
I have a chinese timber bamboo about 10 years old that is getting out of hand and needs to be moved to a spot where it has room ro roam. Does anyone have any tips on moving, best time of year etc? thanks for your help jack