How do I protect/save this damaged tree?

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by largeeyes, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. largeeyes

    largeeyes Member

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    New Bern, NC
    House built in 07-08, this tree was obviously damaged during construction. The trunk looks black, and as you can see there is a mold/fungus growing, probably due to the sap dripping out. What can I do after this amount of time to keep this tree from becoming completely diseased?

    My hope is that the tree has isolated off this damaged part. The crown of the tree appears healthy. This is one of those "stately pines" that the neighborhood gets its name from. But like many of eastern NC, it's crown is only the top 20-25% of the tree.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2011
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    If something gets in and rots or bores it out that could do it in. Otherwise, it might continue on for years. If the wounds indicate driving of vehicles over the root zone that is liable to be much more of a threat, unless what appears to be very sandy soil cushioned it adequately.

    Cuts, fills and compaction are the main problems with careless development among and around trees. Running into the trunks does not, of course help either.

    Keep an eye on the condition of the trunk and crown if this tree could do damage should it fail during high winds.
  3. largeeyes

    largeeyes Member

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    New Bern, NC
    I will do that. I had a suggestion to vertically mulch it, which I think goes to your compaction statement. I will do that some weekend when I can go get the tools. I'm not sure my drill could handle the quantity of holes with the clay below 6-8 inches. This tree is definitely a threat to the house were it to fall. I have half considered having the people taking down trees to clear the lot next door take this one with them to be on the safe side.

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