Far easier to just root cuttings from them. They're really easy - I just take dormant cuttings, 6-8inches long and stick them 5-7 inches into the ground - no rooting hormone, nothing special. Get out of the way and let 'em grow.
Hi Karen Try putting the seeds in a resealable baggie with a few tablespoons (or more) of medium. I prefer a nice moist mix of equal parts coarse sand and peat moss. Stir the seed and medium in the baggie. Shake to collect in a corner of the bag and press firm. Make sure you have some air in the bag. Place somewhere warm (20C). You should see sprouts in 5 days. Prick out and transplant in deep celled plug trays in fertile well draining medium. Grow under 18 hours light/6 hour dark cycle. At this time of year you might not need bottom heat. Happy growing!