I was recently given a Cathea edulis and told it was a slow growing plant and best kept indoors. Well, in 1 month it has grown about 6 inches (so not that slow) but the leaves at the bottom of the plant seem to dry and fall all the time. There is about 3 inches of bare stem at the base now. The rest looks healthy. Also, as the leaves mature they seem to curl slightly. I've repotted it into cactus compost as I was told it needed a free draining medium and I only water it once a week. It is on a window sill facing south west. Should the leaf drop be something to worry about? What should I do about the slightly wayward new growth? Its bending quite a lot and looks like it may break. Help! Luke
This plant comes from arid parts of Africa. Leaf drop is the first sign of overwatering. Use a fast draining soil--ie. 1/2 potting soil and 1/2 perlite. Good lighting is also important.