I have a huge Datura (Jimson Weed; Devil's Apple; Devil's Weed) with about 40 blooms a night, right out in front of my house next to my front porch steps and I have a 2yr old boy and a 3yr old girl that plays on the front porch and passes right next to them. Is it safe for them or should I move them right away?
I have brugmansia, (same kind of toxic problems) I keep mine well away from my two yea old, I'd lke to think she wouldn't go for it, but you never know. Theres lots of poisonous plants in the garden, you can google for lists.
Thank you Very much. Would any one know how to move the Datura without damaging it? It's my pride and joy. It's just so awsome to see and smells awsome.
Are you sure thats Jimson Weed? The leaves don't look like the right shape. However, that definitely looks like a two-year-old on the right! :-) That's a fun age, isn't it?
From what I understand it is?¿ I really hope it's not! And if it isn't, I really like the plant it is.:) The person who gave me the starter said it was a moonbeam. I thought moonbeams look kinda like a Daisy. What other plants have the white trumpet that blooms at night, with the spiked seed pod? If you can help me find out what it is, I would love to know. Fun? You must have lots of hair. Cuz at 2yrs old they made me pull all my hair out. And I wouldn't change it for the world. Thanks for everything
I'm not that good at plant identification. It's just that every picture I've seen of Jimson Weed had leaves with irregular teeth similar to an oak leaf. Your plants leaves look smooth, shaped like an elms. If you'd like to know (for sure) what it is, post a picture of it in the Plant Identification forum here at UBC. Those guys/gals are great at identifying plants!!!!!! Although, even if it's not Jimson Weed, a lot of the nightshades are poisonous anyhow. I have some poisonous things in my yard: bittersweet, rhubarb leaves, and probably more I don't even know about, but fortunately our 2-year-old has stopped putting most things in his mouth... except food (and I watch him like a hawk). I do have SOME hair left. :-) It's probably impossible to get all posionous plants, berries, flowers and so on out of the yard. I'm hoping we can teach him what to touch and what not to touch with some success since I can't follow him around his whole childhood. (Lest I lose all my hair!) Your plant IS very pretty. I wonder if Mountain Ash berries are poisonous. Something else to worry about. ;-)