Houseplant's Leaves Browning

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Eric La Fountaine, Feb 16, 2005.

  1. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    The following was received via email:

    This is a typical tropical houseplant -- I cannot remember the name offhand. I assume that it likes medium to low light and moist but not soaking soil.

    I have always had trouble with the browning tips and sides. I have doused it several times with a copper based fungicide, in case that is what it needed. Not much luck.

    P.S: I just realized that I am having similar problems with another plant but it is a Yucca (or something) cactus houseplant. It, too, is getting brown edges (but not brown tips).

    Any ideas?
    Thanx so much.

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  2. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    uhm, who suggested that you use copper fungicide indoors on a houseplant? :O
    I dont believe it is registered for use as such and should not be sold for such purpose to you. More likely than a fungus (one possibly treatable by copper) is a watering or temperature issue being that it is Winter. I dont recognize the leaves offhand perhaps one of the other members will. Once it is identified then proper care can be ascertained, that will help to identify the issue(s) that the plant is having and potentially how to correct the situation.
  3. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    I think the first one is a Hawaiian ti plant (Cordyline). See this thread and this one. Spots and dry edges seem to be a common problem for this plant.

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