Re: how to send emails our houseplant is acting like a climber. It,s leaf is long and irregularly shaped and has new growth off the long leaf. it also has threads on bottom? Isuppose for attaching to nearby growth for stability. it has not had any sort of blooms yet but then has come back from a misstaken pruning by me, so it may reveal that later? the stalks of the leaves are quite thick {for a climber,or should I add a spreader?} We,ve given a name that in no way is accurate but seemed at the time to be it,s nature,"Irish Assassin Plant" cause it seem to snuff out life from plants nearby that it started to attach to. It likes sun and I put in regular potting soil and it has done fine so far. any chance you know this fellow/fella? if it would help I will take a pix of it and email it to you. thanks, jwisnekiss
HI there .. a pic would be better .. you can post a pic here this site host pics.. when you do the reply look at the bottom were it says manage attachments and add the pic there .. and we can help ya from there .. looking forward to seeing the pic .. Marn
Hi, As Marn says hard to narrow it down with your description, but as a shot in the dark, how about an Epiphyllum or relative? Probably not though as it doesn't gibe with your 'Irish Assassin' description. Harry