Hi, Can you guys help me ID these common houseplants? The one second one from left is dyng soon, want to save it before it goes away forever.
#1 appears to be a dracaena godseffiana. #3 is a syngonium podophyllum "White Butterfly" I think that #4 is a sansevieria trifasciata hahnii "Lucille Polen". It almost appears to be either a sansevieria trifasciata hahnii "Gold Flame" or a sansevieria guineensis " Variegata" but I think it is a "Lucille Polen" Here is a link to a catalog( no endorsement implied) http://www.glasshouseworks.com/succ-s.html with an amazing selection of sansevierias. #2 is a toughie, it might be some kind of peperomia, possibly peperomia campylotropa, although the leaves sort of remind me of romanzoffia......
ya might want to chek under swedish ivy for #2 http://www.denverplants.com/foliage/html/swedivy.htm and compare the leaves .. if it aint a peperomia .. and #1 looks like a Florida Beauty under low lights ... ya might want to give it more light ..http://www.denverplants.com/foliage/html/FlBeauty.htm .. i have mine sittin in the window getting first thing morning sun and it is growing nicely . good luck with them Marn
#3 looks like Hyrdrocotyle tripartita to me. It's common name around my region is Kurnell Curse. It's an invasive weed and terrible hardy. As a house plant, you are probably watering it too much
Something looking very like#2 grows wild on stone walls in the Snowdonia area of Wales where I live - sorry but I don't know what it is called, but I will make enquiries locally if that is any help. Regards - Maggie
Your #2 definitely looks to me like a hoya. Check these hoya photos: https://www.google.com/search?q=hoy...v&sa=X&ei=ww8zVN7COMq9igLz7oC4Cw&ved=0CB0QsAQ
This is a very old thread. Note how the leaves are attached to the stem. Photo number 2 has leaves that attach to the stem in the center, Hoya are attached at the edge of the leaf. Looks like it is (was) probably a Hydrocotyle.