Hello! I know absolutely nothing about plants and am begging for some help identifying what I have. I have a baby and am getting cats so I need to do some research to see if my plants are safe or not. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks Renee
Hibiscus 'Snow Queen' or similar Schlumbergera Cv. Citrus (might be a seedling owing to the thorns) Oxalis possibly O. triangularis Might be Chlorophytum HTH Chris
Agree with all of Chris' IDs, and you'll be releived to know that none of it is too toxic to cats or babies. The Oxalis contains oxalic acid in the leaves, but most kids and kitties will take one bite, have a "yuck" reaction and never touch the plant again.
I see you have a beautiful TRUE Christmas cactus. It must be pretty old! It's an older version not often found anymore. The flowers will most likely be fuchsia.
Yeah I thought you had an impressive Christmas cactus too.....my Mums is quite old and yours is at least four times the size!
It looks like you are starving your plants of much needed winter sunlight/daylight... your ficus looks very leggy... but overall they will survive with better light conditions... aren't plants the cats meow, for conversation/interest and heck just going green at home!