Hey guys, I'm new to this forum. Nice to meet you. I found you through this website: http://www.caringforhouseplants.com/houseplant_identification_resources_for_you-18104.php I bought a house plant a few months ago from my local garden centre. I have no idea what it is - it was just labelled 'houseplant, £3.99'. I guess one of those cheap sales. I'm also really new to plant cultivation. I spend a lot of time indoors, staring at my computer - this has made me appreciate plant life more and more. Anyway, here's a picture of the plant. I've include a tennis ball for a sense of scale: http://imgur.com/a/LVU8m Hope you guys can help. Thanks in advance. ADDED: Forgot to say, I'm in the UK!
Dracaena compacta. Searching the forums here for Dracaena will turn up a wealth of good advice on care and feeding.
Thanks! Will the plant eventually look like this (http://www.plant-force.co.uk/preview.php?id=240) then?