house plant now with pic Hi there, I have a large house plant I have had for about 2 years now and am unable to identify. I will post a picture when I get home, here is the description. Tall - about 20 inches now, growth seems to be about 8-10 inches per year. It has a tree like stalk, light brown in color, rough to the touch. It grows large, dark green, waxy, ovally shaped leaves and when placed in bright light the leaves develop lots of yellow spots. When it drys out the leaves fall down, when water they stand erect. Anyway, Im not sure if thats enough to go on, I have hunted on so many websites of common houseplants, but to no avail. I suspect it may not be a "houseplant" per say, but it does fabulous. I will post a pic this afternoon when I get home from work to assist in ID.