I was given these two plants, and I am killing them. I don't know what they are or how to take care of them. Please help!!!
The first one is a Brassaia actinophylla more generally known by its former name Schefflera actinophylla. Requires bright light without direct sun Humidity in warm rooms. Moderate water during the active growth and sparingly during the winter rest cycle. The second one is a Pepperomia of some form. Requires bright light with some sun every day. Humidity in warm rooms. Water only when clearly needed and then only sparingly. Allow the potting mixture to dry out almost entirely before watering again. One of the quickest ways to kill Pepperomias is to overwater them.
The 2nd plant is not a peperomia at all, but a Hoya carnosa, which is a succulent vine and needs very infrequent watering (every 3 wks-month if that, and less in winter). The schefflera also should be watered in a similar way (if well when you do it), but more often than the hoya. Let a lot of the soil get dry between times, give it lots of humidity, and give both lots of light.
I feel quite certain that it is not a Hoya, it is a Peperomia, more specifically a Peperomia clusiifolia that has been grown in low light and too wet. Joe
The first plant looks more like Pachira aquatica, Money Tree. For the second, I would choose Peperomia over Hoya.
i would go with the Peperomia for the second .. Hoyas have a thinner vine and harder, woody type .. peperomias are very succulant as you can see in the pic .. Marn