The pictures are labelled on the bottom left of the larger image. 28 July 2006 My hot Chilli peppers are starting to turn red.There are about thirty fruiting bodies on each of my four plants. These fruits are a bit larger than what I usually grow. The sweet peppers have about eight fruiting bodies on each of my six plants. I gave them a shot of vinegar in water to ensure the soil is a bit acedic this morning. I do this about once a week preferably just before a rain, of which we have had sufficeint this year. All the plants are healthy and no bugs attack them. Durgan.
One cup of vinegar into about two liters of water. This should be enough to service about four plants. For control, only do it on a few plants to see if there is a difference. This is a rough-shod method without testing the soil, and is probably good enough with a small garden and a few plants. If you have large production it is probably best to test the soil PH using litmus paper to have a more accurate reading. A range of 6.5 to 6.8 PH is ideal. Durgan.