What Happened To My Hosta? It Grows Rampent And Vigorously In My Dappled Shade Garden But This Year I Noticed That About Seven Plants Did Not Come Up. They Are Gone. Was It Moles, Groundhogs Or Other Animals Which I Occasionally See? These Hostas Are Growing In Beds With Lamium And Pachysandra Growing Sparsely Near Them.
Moles don't usually eat hosta but their tunnels may cut into the roots. Slugs and snails are the primary pests of hosta. You would see holes in the leaves indicating their presence. It is hard to say what may have killed your hostas. How are the remaining ones doing? Watch closely for any signs of disease or pests. Good luck,
Thanks, Eric. It Must Be The Mole's Tunnels Though It Is Hard To Imagine That Their Tunnels Would Destroy A 12 To 14 Inch Clump Of Hosta So Cleanly. I Know About The Snails And Keep Saucers Of Beer, Etc Nearby To Catch The Smails. As Far As Health They Have Always Looked Perfectly Healthy And Robust. Will Keep A Sharp Eye On Them And Pray I Don't Lose Any More Of Them