Hello, I am a very novice gardener, and have a question regarding a Horse Chestnut Tree located on our recently acquired land we are going to build on. We got this land from my in-laws, and my father-in-law is quite fond of this tree and so am I. We don't think that we will have to cut it down in order to build the house, but we are going to have to bring in some fill dirt to level out the land and because of the water table. This tree is located on the lower level of the property and fill dirt will be needed to make it level with my in-law's property next door. There is no way we can afford to have the tree re-located, but I don't want to lose it either. My question is, can we bring in fill dirt and cut off some of the bottom branches to make it appear less low in the ground? Any suggestions? I will be grateful for any information you can give me. Thanks!
Hello nettiebakes Tree retention is an complex problem and not one that, I think, can be answered by volunteers on an internet forum. You've asked some good questions but I think you'll need to hire a consulting arborist in your town to advise you on how to keep this tree or hire a landscape architect or designer to design to keep the tree. Plants can't shift around to make themselves more comfortable. Bringing in fill could have significant impacts on the tree.
growing4it, Thanks for the info, I was afraid it would be an easy fix. I appreciate your time. We'll have to see what we can do. Thanks again. Have a nice day:-)
Actually, they ended up having to pull up the tree. It was placed right at the edge of our garage. I was sad, but I may be able to find a sapling near where the base of the tree was to plant when we finish. Thank you so much for your help.