Last spring, I purchased a well- developed hoya from a "big box store". My routine is to drench this plant in the kitchen sink and drain it before returning it to the decorative ceramic pot. Upon re-watering, I've noticed "insects" crawling in the water drained in the cermic pot. Some insects are crawling , others have drowned. These are very narrow , ~ one inch in length and appear to have a gray, tranparent skin with many sets of feet. Have I been invaded? Appreciatively, Hoyagal
Sounds like fungus gnats or something similar. The easiest way to be rid of them is to repot into completely fresh soil and a completely fresh pot. Additionally, make sure that the soil you repot into has very good drainage - given your watering routine, this will be important to keep the plant from drowning and the gnats from thinking that the soil is a good place to breed.
Its length and the "many sets of feet" suggests centipedes or millipedes. The transparent ones are likely shed casings.
Thank you, I hesitated to use that word, but that's exactly what I thought! I want to salvage this plant so will be taking the above advice and transplant this evening. Hoyagal.