British Columbia: honeysuckle in distress

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by rpaterso, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. rpaterso

    rpaterso Member

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    Oak Bay, BC
    I planted two honeysuckles in my garden in 2012. I live in Victoria/Oak Bay (zone 9a-ish). Both bloomed profusely for young plants in 2013. In 2014 one had died but I just figured it was a weak specimen. The other one was, once again quite profuse. The remaining plant bloomed again this spring. But today I noticed that it to looked, to my untrained eye, like it to was dying. I found no obvious damage to the canes. Attached are three pix. One shows the look of a new leaf (darker green). The second shows an "old" leaf. The thrid shows (rather poorly I admit as I took it with my phone in bright sunlight) the overall ongoing defoliation of the vine. I am curious to know if others in the area have had similiar issues and if so what did you do? Thanks.

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