I planted a new holly tree two weeks ago. On Wednesday, it looked fine but, on Saturday almost 70% of its leaves have falling off and they are still green. What can be causing this? And is it still alive?
you might have something exposed to the soil that isnt good,that the roots dont like, maybe poison, weed killer??
Sounds like possibly transplant stress. Make sure the initial root ball is level with the soil or slightly above. Try to get ahold of some Super Thrive or some type of auxin compound. Another possibility is that the plant is getting drenched and the soil isn't draining well enough. I live in MD near DC and we've had a lot of rain in the past few days. If the soil underneath the planting hole doesn't drain well enough it could block the oxygen intake by the root system and in effect "drown" the plant.
Has the tree been planted in direct or indirect sunlight? Drainage? Soil PH? Over watering? Your tree is in shock....
Here in Maryland we have clay sub soil. Could be heavy clay under the tree keeping the soil from draining. Did anyone mention a severely rootbound rootball, not allowing the tree to take up water? Here's how to plant a tree, water and mulch so you can check to see it all this was done as needed. http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/trees/f1147w.htm http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/Garden/07226.html http://www.treesaregood.com/treecare/mulching.aspx http://www.mdvaden.com/advice-landscape.shtml#wateringsuggestions Newt