My Holly Hocks developed a disease or fungus. Mid-August to present, the leaves displayed blister like characters approximately 1/8th inch in diameter. Approximately 3 to 5 to an area roughly the sixe of a dime. Can someone identify the problem and suggest a cure or prevention? WMP
I would almost think that you have the same problem that we have here in B.C. When the weather gets muggy and wet the fungus starts. You can get a Holly Hock that will not do that . But I find that we still get a bit of the problem.
Not much you can do. Pull off the leaves (and their stems of course), and throw them out with the trash. Wash your hands thoroughly before going on to other gardening so that you don't spread the disease (rust).
Sounds like rust and it seems to be a common problem, at least here in this damp coastal climate. I don't find that it spreads to my other plants, and it doesn't seem to affect the vigor of the hollyhocks themselves. So I just live with it and don't fret. And don't you just love hollyhocks?! I am fond of the single ones myself. 13 September 2007 A possible solution for Hollyhock Rust. Further to this tread. There is no Hollyhock Rust present on any of my hollyhocks about 10 plants. I always had this rust in previous years. Maybe the flaming works but only time will tell.