i am hopeing someone out there can help me hear goes , i have 2 holly bushes a male and a female , the female is over 12ft tall,and is over 30 years old , she has alway kept her leaves all year round and has weathered many winters , but this year is different , her leaves were frozen , and remained frozen for at least 2 weeks in jan . now she is dropping those leaves , you can see the areas that were frozen , but i do not see any new growth yet . my question will she survive first ,then is should i feed her is year , what should i give her . the male is fine and sits much closer to the ground and is a little sheltered by the female so i,m not worried about the male , i know it probably seems i,m talking about a person but these holly bushes were bought when my children were very tiny we have a boy and a girl that is why we bought a male and a female bush they now are 29 and 31 , we will be very sad if she dies , she is so beautiful with her dark green leaves and red berries , home to at least 2 sets of robins in the spring , would be grateful for any help you can offer ,,, thanks linda
my hope it they grow back , but have never had this happen to it , i,ll cross my fingers and hope she can come back ,yes i know what you are saying about cuttingit back , we cut a limp about 2 years ago off to hang a bird house in the bush and she still has not grown back that limb , so cutting back is not an option , thanks for the responce ,,
(note, a clever spammer added a believable reply, which is why it looks like the original poster is replying to herself)