Hippophae salicifolia

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by mylillies, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. mylillies

    mylillies Member

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    New Britain Ct. United States
    I bought a Sea Buckthorn bush this spring I was so excited and when it arrived it was healthy or seemed to be. Well it died in July,I was very sad but I will try again next spring. I was wondering if anyone might know what caused it~s failing one thing may have been was I planted it in par shall shade I have a huge oak tree in my back yard and have less than an acre of land so I don't have a lot of options. Another thing may have been the Cicadas came out this year they were all over the place so I will net the sea buckthorn the next time I plant one hopefully spring of 2009. Will any one give me any suggestions any one out there grow this bush?
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Seems to be a shrub for sterile sandy soil in sun. If you have an environmentally suitable location, be sure it is big enough as this is a large plant with pointy branchlets.

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