Has anyone else seen this very tall plant? My cousin had it in her garden and it did spread quickly so they got rid of most but allowed it to grow along their wooden fence on the lane side of their property. This plant needs to be watched as when the seed pods are touched they shoot the seeds a fair ways. I found a few in my garden last week and got rid of it. Don't get me wrong it is a very sturdy plant and the flowers are quite pretty and the bees love it. That is why my cousin still has it along the fence. Now the other neighbor, the one who has what seems to be a running wild wild grape that I wrote about a few weeks ago, she has allowed her yard to go, meaning there are many many small maple trees growing crazy which may not be a bad thing but.. she has three different shade of pink honeysuckle that is getting cramped out and a pear tree that is wasting away. Well some of the seeds of the himalayan orchid has managed to begin growing over there.... right close to the grape vine. I wonder , in the coming years which plant will out grow the other.... unless my neighbor gets someone to clear her property..hmmmm. (As long as neither get in my gardens grrrrrr http://www.invadingspecies.com/invaders/plants-terrestrial/himalayan-balsam/