Ok, I'm taking a step back now, after having another forum open my eyes a little on the idea my husband had of hiding septic tank components in my front yard. Not only are they in my front yard, but they are practically front and center, only feet away from the sidewalk to the front door, and the foundation of the house itself. I was not a very happy camper when I was told when building these "had" to go there. Well, it has been 7 years now, and the problem is still not taken care of. My husband built a raised hexagon shaped bed around them, but I've not planted anything permanent in there...and I want to DO this! I just haven't got the know how....YET...to know what's good and what's not. Perhaps I could get some ideas here? I will include some photos, we have nothing here. No foundation plants, nothing in the narrow but long bed between the sidewalk and the house...nothing. I think our house deserves better... once I get a plan down, I'd like to stick with some shrubs and/or small tree (JM I WISH!) and/or perennials. But maybe this raised bed isn't eye appealing at all...I'd love opinions. Thanks Angie
Maybe dwarf conifers [different textures, shapes, and some with seasonal colour change], a small japanese maple {possibly A.p. 'Shinde shojo' or a linearlobum type might work }, and/or evergreen azaleas if they appeal to you.. All shallow rooted, easily moved if necessary, and could look very appealing year round, with low maintenance. Just guessing as not familiar with your climate.