I have a new greenhouse and I put my hibiscus in for the winter and it looks like it is getting a fungus or something or maybe bugs. Could someone tell me what to do. Thanks
You will have to determine what the problem is before it can be treated. If you can attach some photos of the issue here and provide a detailed description of what is happening, someone on the forums may be able to help. You could also take a sample to someone in your area, an agricultural extension office, a botanic garden or a good plant center--some place with gardening expertise. If you do that, cut a small piece of branch with leaves and seal it in a plastic bag (in case it is a pest that might spread.) How to Attach Images
Oh, here is another place to look. This Website has some diagnostic pages for tropical hibiscus pests and diseases. There are so many things that can trouble hibiscus, it's hard for anyone to give a quick answer. http://americanhibiscus.org/CNBugs/BUGWEBBUG.htm Good luck with your plant.