I'm new to the gardening thing, and I bought two Hibiscus trees in the summer and have brought then in since the cold weather. They lost thier leaves but came back but now they seem to be over run with little bugs all over the leaves and buds. They still bloom but I'm wondering how I can get rid of the bugs. Your help is appriciated.
This often happens when you bring plants in from outdoors, unfortunately their predators don't make the transition to the indoors as easily as the pests. I assume you have a tropical hibiscus. Pests may be aphids, but could be many things. If you want to avoid harsh chemicals, start by spraying the plants to wash off as many bugs as you can. It is good to do this outdoors before bringing plants in, since yours are already inside, put them in the shower and blast them for a while. After, allow the water to drain away from the pots before putting them back on their saucers. A spray of a mild solution of dish detergent or a natural insecticide from the garden centre should take care of most bugs. Repeat spray after a week to get any newly hatched pests. There are some good posts on hibiscus on the forums, including info on winter care. Use the Search Function (on the green bar at the top) to find them. Happy gardening!