Anyone else have problems with tiny beetles that bore into their hibiscus seed ? Even after storing seed in the freezer/fridge i find them alive in the seed packets i've saved.
you must be talking about the hardy hibiscus i gave up trying to grow them in my part of florida they are just to fussy and the bugs love them allot also they donot like to break dormancy in the spring as fast as they should so they end up dieing. i have seen a tiny beetle that gets into the bloom before it opens and it makes it all deformed i have tropical hibiscus so have to hand pollinate most of them to get any seeds and have never seen any beetle damage to the seeds.but i donot pollinate the deformed flowers so it is possible i avoid the problem by only using good flowers that kinda hard to do with hardy hibiscus they set seeds redily withougt any help. i have sprayed with a soap solution to try and keep them off the plant it helps to some degree it may be a very different beetle though.