Just a hello to everyone and a little glimpse into my garden. The before shot is about 3 years old and the now shot about two weeks. It's amazing what a few plants can do....... I'll be posting some photos every now and then as I get some different shots I feel are worth sharing. I'm sure I'll have the odd "what the hell is this growing in my yard" type of question and also hopefully be putting in some useful input to your questions where I can. Well that was my quick g'day. Hope to be joining you in some forum soon!! :}
Welcome to Botanical Garden Chungii Austraila where the cutie Koala comes from. Could'nt ship me one out could ya Chungii lolol Promis e to look after him/her! Austrailia is very nice. I love the wildlife. You will love it here.
Thank You, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else! We've had snakes, a couple of families of lizards, frogs and plenty of birds but no koalas in our yard yet! lol Although the odd possum has made it's way through. I have visited this site a few times and found it quite useful and peolple seem very friendly and more than willing to help so i figured why not join.....
I have a feeling that you will be answering more questions than you will be asking them! Welcome aboard.