hi, rubber plant leaves are red?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by katsen, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. katsen

    katsen Active Member

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    Weymouth uk
    hi i have a rubber plant and i have noticed that one of the new leaves that has grown is red not green like the one next to it, is this normal, bit confused.

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    There is some spotting (stippling) so POSSIBLY you have mites and in addition there is enough of them on the one part of the leaf to cause the deformity and reddening. Look closely for fine webbing and tiny specks crawling around, using a magnifying lens if needed.
  3. markinwestmich

    markinwestmich Active Member

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    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    The red color, itself, occurs normally. Some cultivars will produce more red than others. I have had two over the years, both would always have a deep burgandy red color to the new leaves. As the new leaves aged, the color would either take on more green or would further deepen to a rich, brown-red depending upon the cultivar, as well as water and light conditions. The more intense the light, the darker the color.

    Any leaf deformities, in my experience, appears to be independent of the color. The leaf that you are concerned about does not have a normal morphology and does have some uneven coloration...hence, your question. Now, since the newer leaves appear to be normal, I would suspect either the leaf emerged during a period of environmental change (location, light, watering, repotting, etc.) or, as Ron B suggested, it may have been subject to disease or pests at this time.

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