my school will be holding a tree giveaway to raise awareness for global warming and to increase the education of the community on the topic of plants and their effects on our lives. I am wondering where we can aquire free tree donations. if possible can someone please reply with a link to a few sites or information on how to request the trees thank you
The only organization that comes to mind is the American Arbor Day Foundation. You might ask them about their tree giveaways. Otherwise, I would call all the local nurseries, tree growers, garden centres, etc. to see who might want to and/or be able to help out.
I live in Manatee County Florida. Our local prison(many thanks to an enlightened Sheriff) has had, for many years, job training programs for its guests. Part of that training is in horticulture. Trees of many varieties are grown and often donated by the prison to worthy, local causes. Try your local sheriff to see if(if you have a jail) they have plants to give away.