hello please forgive my grammer and spelling. i am a very new gardner and i have a few questions and i was hoping someone would have some answers? #1 does anyone know how to make avacodo trees fruit. I can make them grow i have two over 8' and five little guys any ideas! and I also saw that some of you have sea onions or false sea onions I have many. and my largest one (madusa) is about 10" or more around with leaves about 4'long with 5'flower stalks if any body has questions on how to grow them please ask.#2 when should i start corn. I grew about 10 plants this last summer and they got to be about 12'tall but the ears of corn that were made were very small,I started them inside then planted them in my green house that i hade to dismantle half way through the summer to accomidate the corn any ideas on growing in a short season i would be greatful.
what is your growing season like in Anchorage? roughly how many frost free days do you have and what are the other growing conditions? I have seen some tv shows where the champiion the long days and no nights to get great vegetable sizes and such, so there must be a way do it.