Hi all. I am new to this web site and I sure hope I can learn my way around. I hope the navagation won't be to difficult. I am an old time gardener and have just in the past few years discovered the gardening sites on the web, I just love it. I have made lots of friends and hope to make lots more. My Favorite friends are Brugmansias and Morning glories, I also have Passflorias, Elephant Ears, Cannas, and Hibiscus. So I am pretty busy keeping up with all that stuff. LOL.......yes and people friends tooo. So If you have something you want let me know I may have it and I love to trade. I am sure we can work something out. Best Kaprice
Good day Kaprice, welcome to the UBC Botanical Garden Forums. You can grow a lot of plants that we have to grow as summer potted plants up here in Vancouver. I am sure you will have lots of stories and garden experience to share.