Hello, under the covid restrictions I find myself with time for things I don't ever get too. I was gifted this plant years ago, and I have never had anyone be able to identify it for me. If anyone would be able to help me, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you, Adam.
Looks like it might be a plectranthus. I am having trouble seeing an individual flower within the group in your image.
Here are a few better pictures, I really appreciate the help. I have had this plant for 7+ years now, flowers close to year round when it's happy. Very curious as is everyone who see it.
It always cheers me up to see plants so well taken care of. It must be very happy, 7+ years indoors and going strong and in flower! Thanks for posting.
I be looked real hard and I think it is a plectranthus saccatus or stoep jaccaranda thank you very much. And while I have had this plant 7+ years, the woman who gave it to me had it 15+ years before me.