I have had this plant for a while now and I was told by whom I bought it from how to take care of it and now it's starting to die, so I figure I was told wrong . I have been all over the internet and cant even identify it, so if anyone can help me it would be much appreciated. -Alisha
Hi Alisha, It is a bromeliad. I don't know what species, but to take care of it water it in the center of the cone of leaves so that there is always water there. Water the potting mix only rarely. They are reasonably hard to kill. Fertilize at half strength, and probably not in the winter at all. When the flower stalk goes brown, cut it off. The cone of leaves that it came out of will die in the next two years, but it will grow new cones of leaves around this old one, and probably soon now. By luck, I knew this one, but this page is about fungus and lichens. For more dependable IDs post here: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=38 People over there will likely be able to tell you the species and variety. Best Regards
Alicia, it looks like a Guzmania to me. And I have to agree with FishDr - posting in Plant ID, rather than Fungus and Lichen, will really help you out in the future.