help with weeds spreading under neighbor's fence

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by mnl, May 5, 2008.

  1. mnl

    mnl Member

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    vancouver, bc
    I know this is a common problem but I couldn't find a thread directly on point.
    I have struggled for the last few years with weeds spreading from my neighbor's--they come under the fence. They seem to be mostly vine types -- morning glory and another one that has more maple like leaves. Anyway, I am looking ahead at years of endless weeding unless someone has some suggestions. I am thinking of burying a barrier below the fence, but not sure what if anything will work. How deep would I need to go?

    I cannot see my neighbor doing anything about it since her yard is incredibly derelict, in case anyone was going to suggest it.

  2. Ispied

    Ispied Active Member

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    Burlington, Ontario, Canada
    Yes, I have one of those neighbors as well. The other problem you get is the seeds spreading into your garden. I think you have a good idea about the barrier. I think you need to go down as deep as the weed roots. It is one of my spring chores cleaning up the weeds crawling under the fence before the other plants get too big. So far this has kept the weed under control on my side. This is pretty good considering the massive patch that the neighbor has. The weed I'm fighting happens to Queen anne's lace.
  3. Debby

    Debby Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    In our neighbourhood, gardeners and non-gardeners seem to have alternating properties. The barrier sounds good. We have fairly sturdy fences, along which we have placed/tossed rocks. And we are vigilant about patrolling for intruding weeds: bramble and morning glory and creeping buttercup in our case.

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