I've had this plant a very long time. It's been atleast 12 years and I'd even say 15. It has moved with me many times, about 9 times. It has always been in the same pot. ..truly a plant that just grew with me looking after the kids and divorce and so on. Years ago I must have found out the name because I remember reading about the bottom leaves constantly dieing off and need to be cut off. Can someone please help with the name, so I can look up the care/lighting it needs. Thank you :)
Thank you. Now I know the name I can continue looking at sites for the care :) I appreciate it. I haven't noticed any bugs on it at all. It's been neglected and put outside and brought in. I'll see if I can get it looking better now :) Thanks
Advise keeping your palm away from your spider plant (Chlorophytum) and money plant (Pachira aquatica), which seem to be healthy. Pot appears moldy: suggest new pot and fresh soil. Be sure that roots are OK and drainage excellent. I hope that your cat does not have a taste for palm!