HELP with Rare Namaqua Fig Tree

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by MiaVita, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. MiaVita

    MiaVita Member

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    Oakland, CA
    Hi everyone,
    Thank you so much for your time. I recently acquired a Namaqua fig tree (ficus cordata), also known as a Namaqua rock fig tree as it grows on rocks and boulders in its native Namibia. I cannot find anything on the internet about how to care for it and there is very little information about it out there. Currently, it has moderate indirect sunlight and a very small pot. It has thrived in this environment and looks very healthy. It is currently about 2 feet tall and I believe the pot is about 6" in diameter (I don't have it in front of me right now). I am happy it is thriving, but I don't know how to care for it moving forward. My questions:

    When does it need to be repotted?

    What type of soil and fertilizer do I use and is it best in a cramped pot?

    Does it like to be saturated when watered?

    Should I allow it to dry out completely between watering?

    What is the ideal lighting?

    What temperature range is ideal?

    Does it enjoy humidity or dry? (I would guess it likes hot and dry, but it would be nice to know for sure)

    Does it fair better indoors or outdoors?

    Does it need pruning? If so, how much?

    How can I support it in producing fruit? (evidently, the figs are supposed to be very tasty)

    Any other advice or resources?

    I feel very lucky to have acquired such a beautiful and seemingly rare tree. I would really appreciate your assistance! Thanks so much!

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