Help With Pumpkins

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by SuperHeat, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. SuperHeat

    SuperHeat Member

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    Denton, TX.
    I am growing a couple of pumpkin vines and wondered if someone could help? I have only been growing them about 5 weeks and is the first time doing so. The bigger one of the two has started to lean over and found it this morning laying on the ground. Most of the leaves turned up right and doesn't appear to be dying. Are they supposed to do that? Secondly, I keep finding these little squigly lines on the leaves and am not sure what is causing it. The pumpkins seem to be doing ok, but have a couple of bean plants with the same thing. Just seems the leaves start dying once those marks appear.

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  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    The plants do trail across the ground, so yes they sort of lean over, although you may want to prop up the plant in your photo a bit. You don't want to break the vines--they can be rather sensitive. I think the best thing to do in your case would be to put a thick layer of mulch around your plants, to prop up the fallen one and to keep the vines out of the wet dirt (to reduce mildew and keep the fruit cleaner.) Use whatever you have available for mulch.

    The patterns on your leaves look like the slime trails of slugs or snails. I set bait traps for those. Sink small containers so that the top is at soil level. fill the containers with beer or a sloppy mix of flour, water and yeast. They climb in and drown. Put in fresh bait every few days or after rain.
  3. SuperHeat

    SuperHeat Member

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    Denton, TX.
    Thanks for the tip. I think I found what is causing the lines...leaf miners. They are tearing up my bean plants and don't want that to happen to my pumkins.
  4. SuperHeat

    SuperHeat Member

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    Denton, TX.
    Does any part of the plant need to be touching the ground? I had propped it up at the base with some mulch, but is growing alot and didn't know if the whole thing needed to stay off the ground. I also wanted to find out when the pumkins started producing flowers. My biggest plant is been growing about six weeks now, with vines growing all over, but no sign of any flowers.

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