I was wondering if you know the name of this plant (pixs attached). I started it from about a 4-inch cutting (owner didn't know what it was either) and, after about a several-year wait, it bloomed about a month ago (for one day only). The blossom was about 8-9" across. Thank you all very much for your help!
Doubt the actual color is purple. The picture appears to be on the dark side and the color is a bit off.
jason, that is an absolutely GORGEOUS epi!!!!!!! the flower color is fabulous!!! would you be interested in doing a trade??? where 'bouts in pa are you? oh, almost forgot...that flower really distracted me...welcome to the forum!
jason17, just to put you in the picture, joclyn is just passionate about anything purple!!! It is a fabulous flower and a wonderful colour.
If you are really that passionate for purple, Willy Wonka has a new type of chewing gum you would be really interested in trying!!!!