As a new person to this forum I hope I am in the correct place. I have watched a plant on my land here in Oklahoma all summer and now I am really stumped. The one big leaf has grown in a spiral fashion with the and there is a egg sized clump of bright red berries on a small stem about 3 or 4 inchec from the ground. I was watching the leaf seem to uncurl and never noticed any blooms close to the ground. Thanks for any suggestions. I will post a picture next week.
Welcome, bil! We will await your photo. Am wondering if your plant could possibly be an Arisaema triphyllum, jack-in-the-pulpit. There was a post earlier today from cips69 entitled "Unknown plant", ID'ed by Silver surfer. Take a look at that, and try looking up Arisaema, and we can go from there.
Thanks for the reply. That is the query that led me to this forum. My plant is question seems to have one stem that unfurls, rather fern like, with all the leaves on one side and the berry cluster near the base on a short stout stem. Actually I wish it would be a jack in the pulpit.
Hmmm. Describe the leaf in more detail. I'm thinking that it's one big leaf that is finely divided...? Flower obviously berries. Is the plant growing in sun or shade? Dry or wet soil? Any other info you can give us, like: does the plant have a smell? How big is the leaf? Color? Do bugs like it? All by itself or with others? Near any other plants? Leaf texture---thick, waxy, papery, smooth, hairy, crinkly? When looking at the plant, have you ever thought "That really looks like a (insert plant name here)"? ----Paint us a verbal portrait, bil!
Not sure... but is this what you mean? P.S. I believe the one big leaf you are describing is the spathe (hood), inside are hidden all the plants reproductive bits and bobs. These get fertilised by insects crawling in . The spathe hood then shrivels and dies back to reveal the fertilised red berries.The true leaves will appear again in the spring.
Thanks for the reply. I made it back to the lot this weekend and took some pictures and with a little more research I think I have found my plant. It is the Green Dragon Arum (Arisaema dracontium). The description I have found in several locations have convinced me of the ID. Thanks for your help and I am sure I will come up with other questions as I continue to explore my lot.
To all who helped me with this question I am most grateful. Obviously, from reviewing my comments, and looking at the final id I was most unclear in my descriptions. Still, you all were able to lead me in the right direction until a final answer emerged from the chaos I started! I will try and be more helpful in future posts.
Actually, from a Wow standpoint I would rather have had the Jackin-the-Pulpit. I will get some pictures next spring as the leaves are withered now and I will know to look for the plant earlier.
The Dragon may not be as gaudy, but it is way cool nonetheless. Besides which, I like the name. I would be cheered to be able to say: "I have a Green Dragon in my back yard!" I like J-in-the Ps, too.