Help with my indoor avocado

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Indigo Eve, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Indigo Eve

    Indigo Eve Member

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    Vancouver Island, Canada
    Hello all,

    I'm new here and stumbled upon these forums while trying to find information about growing avocados.

    I tried to start an avocado from a seed about 4 years ago. It was doing well until my pet rabbit decided to play 'logger' and felled the then 18 inch tall plant. I cut the remains of plant off just about the soil line and put the pot on my deck thinking I might put something else in the pot at some point. Months later (after a winter, spring, and part of summer out there) I noticed it had started to shoot.

    I brought it back inside and it has continued to live inside since. I put it out on the deck in the summer, but it looked like it was getting fried so I brought it back inside. It revived. It's about 2 years old at this point I think. I was hoping someone might be able to give me some ideas about how to take better care of it. As you can see in the attached pictures it has leaves that are going brown and crispy and the same thing appears to be happening to the stem. This is ongoing; for awhile it will seem fine and then it will get this way again. I keep it fairly well watered though I forget occasionally the soil gets thoroughly dried out. The brown and crispy stages don't seem to be related to the times when I forget to water it. I admit I'm not a very good plant-mom.

    I see from searching through posts here that it is unlikely that I will get fruit from it and that is ok, I just like the fact that it was once a seed and now it is a full-fledged plant (albeit a rather sad one) despite being felled by a pet rabbit and wintering on a frosty and occasionally frozen snow-covered deck.

    Thanks! :)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2008
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  3. Rhynno

    Rhynno Active Member

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    Edmonton, AB
    How's the soil? Avocados like fast draining soil as far as I recall.
  4. cookie_mccool

    cookie_mccool Active Member

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    Kalamazoo, USA
    This is completely off-topic, but Rhynno, your profile picture is gorgeous! I wish I could get mine that healthy, but the ends always dry up.
  5. Rhynno

    Rhynno Active Member

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    Edmonton, AB
    Thanks Cookie :). I have that little cryptanthus in a semi sealed 4-litre jar right now. It's still making pups but I'm expecting the mother plant to die back soon. Do you grow yours out in the open?

  6. cookie_mccool

    cookie_mccool Active Member

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    Kalamazoo, USA
    That's probably the problem, Rhynno, all my plants are exposed and out in the open. I may have to start putting a little more effort into it, I guess!
  7. mwoodruff50

    mwoodruff50 Member

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    Stockton, CA
    it looks like its weeping so you really need to get a longer stake so it can grow up right. I too have grown an avacado from a pit but its still a little baby only a couple of weeks old. there is something you can do but its very risky. you can actually cut off both branches and place in rooting compound and actually have two trees if they take but again it is very risky. consult your local nursury before you start anything hope this helps

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