please help me i planted a seed today and i don't know how to take care of the seed, here's the list of questions that i really want/need answerd 1. how often does it have to be watered much water does does it need long does it take to make a root. please reply and just to let you know i live in winnipeg.
Re: help with my grapefruit tree needed (newbie) The seed will germinate in 18-21 days if kept at a temperature of 90F (32C). Longer is it is germinated at a lower temperature. When you water, water well untill some moisture leaches out from the bottom of the container. If you put a plastic bag over the pot you will not need to water until after the seed germinates. Then water only after the soil becomes mostly dry, sort of damp. Over watering is the number one killer of citrus seeds. Lastly, you never said what type of seed you planted, but I assume it was a citrus seed. The worst citrus seed you could have planted, as far as getting fruit would be a grapefruit seed. For a container grown grapefruit in Canada you could be looking at 20+ years for any fruit. A mandarin or lime would be much quicker. - Millet
Re: help with my grapefruit tree needed (newbie) would a seed still be able to germinate if it hit somthing hard? please reply
Re: help with my grapefruit tree needed (newbie) Really don't know what your mean, but if you mean a growing medium with hard chunky ingredients, the answer would by yes, it would still germinate. - Millet