I need help with this cactus. I bought three little cacti about 13 years ago and after all these years, I want to clean these up, but have no idea what is going on here. See pictures attached. The real long/tall one keeps growing but has all the brown patches and what look like roots coming out of it. I need help identifying what those brown patches and roots are and what can I do to make this look better. It seems to keep growing tall but not wide. The one little one I assume is dead, but I do not want to mess anything up. Here are some pics. Any info and help would be great. Thanks Scott
Those in the back and front in picture 1 are dead. The grafting stock of the one in the back is alive, but it does not seem to be worth saving.The yellow-brown spots are likely to be caused by spider mites, beware! The tall one: the corking (the brown patches) is normal, and so are the aerial roots. The latter are common on Lepismium, Selenicereus and Hylocereus (and probably some other genera). I don't know what this plant is, do you have a picture of the whole plant? Anyway, I think you should remove the dead ones and repot the remaining.
I guess it does not get enough light (a common problem). Lots of diffused light is usually the best for this type of cactus.